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Your donation puts food on the tables of families, places books in the hands of adults learning to read, pairs wayward youth with caring mentors, and repairs the homes of neighbors in need. Read below for more ways you can donate, and impact the lives of many through our Endowment Fund.
When talking about legacy's and how to give back, we have many examples around us. One of our greatest examples is Mrs. Eleanor Manning. Mrs. Manning passed on just short of 96 years young in April 2021, and she was the true definition of what a community philanthropist looks like. We have a facility called The Manning Family Find-A-Friend Youth Enrichment Center of Fayetteville Urban Ministry. It was so named because of her generous contributions to the building project.
However, Mrs. Manning went beyond being a donor - she also became an investor. She created an Endowment Fund for Fayetteville Urban Ministry, and other nonprofits, to assist each organization in moving forward toward sustainability. How can a woman so small in stature carry around a heart so big?! Mrs. Manning will be remembered by FUM for her support, forever. Even in her absence on Earth, Mrs. Manning's endowment gift continues to help Fayetteville Urban Ministry serve people, dream big and ensures our sustainability here in the community she loved so dearly. We will always honor Ms. Manning and others for such benevolent gifts. There are many way's to give back and every one of them provides neighbors with a hand-up, not a hand-out.
How Can You Support FUM? So many ways:
· Direct Gifts of Stocks, Bonds and Cash
· Retirement Plan Assets
· Bequests
·Contribute to Our Existing FUM Endowment, or Establish a New Endowment!
Call us directly or contact the Cumberland Community Foundation, Inc. (CCF) at 910-483-4449 to learn more.

Mrs. Eleanor Manning and Mr. Johnny Wilson

We have a 95% direct services ratio. For every dollar we receive, 95 cents are invested directly into our 4 life-changing programs.
Our Mission is "To show God's compassion for our neighbors in need, and thus build our community together."
Since we began in 1974, our services have always been, and will continue to be 100% free of charge to our neighbors in need.
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